- EnviMet, started its activities in January 2003.
- EnviMet, has been very active in the field of meteorological monitoring system and environmental protection.
- EnviMet, implemented 36 projects during the period from 2003 to 2011 with total budget of around 16 million Egyptian pounds
- EnviMet, implemented the following projects:
- EnviMet, had been awarded WMO P.O. No (9-2003) dated 6 February 2003 for the “installation and operation of Numerical weather Production Center in Aldafra Airbase, united Arab Emirates.
- EnviMet, has implemented the contract with the Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA) for the supply of 3600 meteorological Balloons. (2003-2004) contract No 19/2003 – 2004
- EnviMet, implemented a project with the national company for investment and integrated development for environment protection sewage water treatment (contract dated 2/8/2003)
- EnviMet, had contract No. 12/2004 with Egyptian Met Authority for supply of 2174 meteorological balloons supplied by TOTEX (Japan).
- EnviMet, had contract No 18/2004 with EMA for the upgrading of the Automatic Weather Observing System in Cairo International Airport in cooperation with Degreane Horizon (France).
- EnviMet, had contract No. 3/2005 with EMA for the installation and operation of 2 Laser Ceilometers in Cairo International Airport in cooperation with Degreane Horizon (France).
- EnviMet, had contract No. 7/2005 with the Air Defense Forces for the supply of Captive balloons supplied by TOTEX (Japan).
- EnviMet, had contract No. 11/2005 with Chemical War Department for upgrading and maintenance the local communication network.
- EnviMet, had contract No. 21/2006 with EMA for the supply of 15000 Sunshine Charts in cooperation with PAWAN (India).
- EnviMet, had contract No. 38/2006 with EMA for the supply of 6000 Charts for electric anemometer in cooperation with Alfred Muller (Germany).
- EnviMet, had been awarded: Purchase Order No. 1346/265/2006 with Arab Organization of Industrialization - Saqr Factory for the supply of Upper Air Station in cooperation with GRAW Radiosondes (Germany).
- EnviMet, had contract No. 14/2005 with EMA for the installation and operation of Upgrading the Test and Calibration Laboratories in cooperation with VOTSCH INDUSTRIETECHIK GMBH (Germany), DELPHIN TECHNOLOGY AG (Germany), LAUDA DR.R. WOBSER GmbH&CO.KG (Germany), ADOLF THIES GMBH & CO.KG GÖTTINGEN (Germany), Paroscientific, Inc (USA) and Rotronic ag (Switzerland).
- EnviMet, had contract No. 18/2006-2007 with Egyptian Met Authority for supply of 2200 meteorological balloons supplied by PAWAN (India).
- EnviMet, had contract No. 30/2006-2007 with EMA for supply the Spare parts of Automatic Stations from Theodor Friedrichs & Co. (Germany), Rotronic ag (Switzerland) and Local market (Egypt).
- EnviMet, had contract No. 1/2007 with EMA for Maintenance of AWOS Cairo airport System supplied from Degreane-Horizone (France).
- EnviMet, had order for Supply the Wind Speed Anemometer transmitter from Theodor Friedrichs & Co. (Germany) for Engineering Works Co.
- EnviMet, had contract No. 5/2007-2008 with Egyptian Met Authority for supply of 2200 meteorological balloons supplied by Totex (Japan).
- EnviMet, had contract No. 9/2007-2008 with Egyptian Met Authority for supply of HRPT ground station supplied by Tecnavia s.a (Switzerland).
- EnviMet, had contract No. NATCT/005 with Orascom construction & industry to supply Meteorological Systems to the new third ATC building Cairo International Airport.
- EnviMet, had to renew of Contract No. 1/2007 with EMA for Maintenance of AWOS Cairo airport System supplied from Degreane-Horizone (France).
- EnviMet, had Purchase No. 146/287/2008 with Saqr Factory for supply Automatic Weather Station supplied by LSI (Italy).
- EnviMet, had Purchase Order with Amr Gheith Office for Supply Meteorological Equipment supplied by ADOLF THIES GMBH & CO.KG GÖTTINGEN (Germany).
- EnviMet, is the local coordinator with Meteo France International for local consultancy and after sale services for the French loan project to the Egyptian Meteorological Authorities Project Budget is 5.000.000 Euros.
- EnviMet, had contract No. 2/2009 with Egyptian Armed Forces for supply EUMETSAT MSG satellite ground station supplied by Tecnavia s.a (Switzerland)
- EnviMet, had contract No. 1/2008-2009 with Egyptian Met Authority for supply of 2400 meteorological balloons supplied by Totex (Japan).
- EnviMet, had Supply Order No. 69/2008-2009 with Egyptian Met Authority for supply of spare parts for AWS stations supplied by local market.
- EnviMet, had contract No. 3/2008-2009 with Egyptian Met Authority for Supply and installation the civil work of 15 Station Met. Station for French Protocol Loan
- EnviMet, had contract No. 3/2009-2010 with Egyptian Met Authority for supply of 1000 meteorological balloons supplied by Totex (Japan).
- EnviMet, had contract No. 6/2009-2010 with Egyptian Met Authority for supply of 1100 meteorological Radiosonde supplied by Meteo Modem (France).
- EnviMet, had an Appendix Contract No. 6/ 2009-2010 with Egyptian Met Authority for supply of 1300 meteorological Radiosonde supplied by Meteo Modem (France).
- EnviMet, had contract No. 4 / 2009-2010 with Egyptian Met Authority for supply of 15000 Sunshine Charts in cooperation with PAWAN (India).
- EnviMet, had contract No. P/PNUFW-P10000190 with El Seif Engineering Contracting Co. (KSA) Princess Noura University for Women for supply Automatic Weather Station in cooperation with Climatronics (USA).
- EnviMet, had contract No. 2/2010-2011 with Egyptian Met Authority for supply of 2800 meteorological balloons supplied by Totex (Japan).
- EnviMet, had contract No. 1/2010-2011 with Faculty of Science- Port Said University for supply of Automatic Weather Station Supplied by LSI-Lastem (Italy).
- EnviMet, had contract No. 3/2010-2011 with Hassan Allam Co. for supply and repairs of meteorological equipment in Third runway at Cairo airport supplied by Degreane Horizone (France)
- EnviMet, had contract No. 5/2010-2011 with Hassan Allam Co. for meteorological equipments training in Third runway at Cairo airport supplied by Degreane Horizone engineer (France)
- EnviMet, had contract No. /2011-2012 with Egyptian Met Authority for supply of 1500 Meteorological Radiosonde supplied by Meteo Modem (France).
- EnviMet, had contract No. /2011-2012 with Egyptian Met Authority for supply of 1500 meteorological balloons supplied by Totex (Japan).
- EnviMet, had contract No. /2011-2012 with Egyptian Met Authority for supply and installation five RVR sensors at Cairo airport supplied by Degreane Horizone (France)