Dr A.S.A.KHALIL, PhD, EnviMet President
- AFTER BEING highly educated, qualified and well experienced in the whole
spectrum of Meteorology and its different fields of application and sharing the
capacity building of the Egyptian Meteorological Authority for 30 years from
- AFTER JOINING the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) as
Director of Projects, Chief Technical Advisor and similar expert mission in
Africa, Asia and Arab Counters, for 27 years from 1976 to 2003.
- AFTER PROMOTING PROJECTS, within the activities of WMO: 25 projects with total budget of 105 millions US Dollars.
- AFTER IMPLEMENTING these projects which covered most of the
meteorological activities including: General Forecasting, Aeronautical,
Hydrological, Environmental, Agro-meteorological, Disaster Preparedness and
Warring, Clouds Physics, Atmospheric Studies and cloud seeding.
- AFTER BEING INVOLVED for 50 years in developing, upgrading,
installation and operation of Meteorological Systems starting from Laboratory
prototypes such as recording theodolite, pulsating light ceilometer and others
to the now modern complicated integrated systems.
- STARTING FROM JAN. 2003, Dr Khalil discontinued WMO mission in
UAE, returning home and starting ENVIMET INTEGRATED SYSTEMS as Non-Government Organization.
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