HRPT Station EMA/Egypt
High Resolution Picture Transmission Orbital Satellites Ground Station
EnviMet had been offered, after hard competition the contract No. 9/ (2007-2008) with the Egyptian Meteorological Authority to establish High Resolution Picture Transmission (HRPT) Orbital Satellites Ground Station.
The project covered the following tasks:
- Supply of complete HRPT Satellites Ground Station Hardware and Software manufactured by TECNAVIA (Switzerland) to receive satellites pictures and data from the available orbital satellites: NOAA Series (USA), FENGYUN (China) and the METOP(Europe). Complete with:
- Tracking parabolic 1.8m antenna with the pedestal, radome and GPS time and direction reference, control unit, LNA and cables
- GPS equipment
- Radio server
- Two file servers and processing workstation in Hot-standby-configuration
- Display workstation
- Meteo Binder Data Archiving system
- Dispatch file server
- Five Remote displays
- Set of spare parts for two years normal operation
Civil works:
The project request all civil works required for the installation of the station on the roof of the Regional Training Center building. These civil works include:
- Special designed metallic tower for the installation of the tracking antenna
- Power and data cables from the antenna down to the station ground equipment in the remote serving equipment hall.
- Data cabling between the dispatch file server to the remote 5 display workstations.
- 3 x 5HP air conditioners to be installed in the remote serving equipment hall.
The system services include:
- Factory Acceptance Tests for two inspectors
- Factory training for six trainees.
- System installation, putting into operation.
- Site Acceptance Tests.
- Local training.
- System Guaranty for two years