Automatic Weather Observation System (AWOS)In Cairo International Airport(CIA)
- EnviMet, after hard competition was offered the contract No. 18/2004 with the Egyptian Meteorological Authority for the upgrading the Automatic weather observing system (AWOS) in Cairo International Airport.
- The existing CIA / AWOS was installed in the year (2000 / 2001) by local contractor (ITC) and Qualimetrics (USA) but no successful SAT was reached.
- EnviMet, in cooperation with Degreane (France) succeeded to apply new Degreane Software: CAOBS for observations and Aeroview for displaying data all over remote displays.
- EnviMet,in an open tender, won the contract 3/2005 to install and operate two laser ceilometers fully integrated with CIA / AWOS
- EnviMet, was offered contract No. NATCT / 005 with ORASCOM construction and Industry Co. to supply:
- 2 x new AWOS stations to replace the old qualimetrics stations installed in first and second runways of Cairo airport and to be fully integrated into CIA / AWOS system.
Meteorological equipment for the new third tower in Cairo airport fully integrated into CIA / AWOS system including:
- 6 Aeroview display workstations
- 8 INT300 pressure indicators
- 8 INT300 wind speed and direction indicators.
- EnviMet, was offered contract No. 1/2007 with the Egyptian Meteorological Authority for the repair and maintenance of CIA / AWOS system this contract has been yearly renewed for the same purpose up to this year (2011-2012)
- EnviMet, as the sole agent of Degreane (France) in Egypt had been fully involved with the main suppliers of the meteorological equipment required for the third runway of Cairo airport to integrate these equipment into the main CIA / AWOS system.
- EnviMet, was offered contract No. 3/2010 with EL Nasr construction Co. (Hassan Allam) for the repair and maintenance of the meteorological equipment installed on the third runway of Cairo airport during the guaranty period.
- EnviMet, since 2004, was trusted by the Egyptian Meteorological Authority, ORASCOM construction & industry Co. and EL Nasr construction Co. for the supply and integration of all meteorological equipment installed on the three runways of CIA / AWOS integrated system.
- EnviMet, since 2007, was responsible of the repair maintenance, testing and calibration of CIA / AWOS system up till now (2012).
- EnviMet, is fully satisfied and honored to bear the responsibility of running the CIA / AWOS system in regular and continuous routine operation 24/24 hrs/day without any serious defect.
- Factory Acceptance Tests for two inspectors
- Factory training for six trainees.
- System installation, putting into operation.
- Site Acceptance Tests.
- Local training.
- System Guaranty for two years